Build Healthy Backyard Soil via Composting & Decomposition

Build Healthy Backyard Soil via Composting & Decomposition

Let ‘s go on a mental journey together… Imagine your yard as a literal island, waves lapping at the edges, detached and floating as its own independent ecosystem. The plants in your yard can’t call a lawn care service to get a fertilizer application, or an order of shredded bark mulch. Can this isolated group of plants possibly survive?

Don't Rake Away Yard Leaves, They are FREE Fertilizer!

Don't Rake Away Yard Leaves, They are FREE Fertilizer!

Being a vocal anti-lawn person, I’m completely biased on the topics of leaf raking, leaf composting, and yard waste management. I feel our yards need fewer synthetic inputs and a lot more native inputs, in the form of leaf litter.

Every fall I am shocked, aghast and pinching myself to see all the people piling free fertilizer (that’s what I call it) at the curb. I take my neighbor’s leaves and pile them in my yard!

iTree Helps Property Owners with Tree and Landscape Planning

i-Tree is a website designed to help property owners decide which tree species they want to plant and where they should plant them in their home or commercial property landscape.  I-Tree was developed by some of the big players in U.S. tree care as an educational and practical tool, and is FREE to use. Combining data points and technology, this website can tell you actual benefits of planting a tree in a specific spot in your yard.