Salvage — Blog

Adventures in Urban Log Salvaging

Adventures in Urban Log Salvaging

Here are some of the highlights of our recent log salvage adventures. I call them “adventures” because it would be much easier to chunk the log up into firewood and throw it in the back of the truck, but who likes to take the easy road? Although salvaging the trees we cut down can sometimes be an onerous task, it is a huge honor to turn the trees folks are “throwing away” into beautiful pieces of heirloom-quality furniture to be enjoyed for generations. We are proud to undertake this work.

Build Healthy Backyard Soil via Composting & Decomposition

Build Healthy Backyard Soil via Composting & Decomposition

Let ‘s go on a mental journey together… Imagine your yard as a literal island, waves lapping at the edges, detached and floating as its own independent ecosystem. The plants in your yard can’t call a lawn care service to get a fertilizer application, or an order of shredded bark mulch. Can this isolated group of plants possibly survive?

Chip Truck Chips are the Best for Your Yard

Chip Truck Chips (CTC) are the woodchips that come from a chip truck of a conscientious tree company (not just any dump truck). We want to help homeowners understand why truck chips are so great for your landscape and garden projects.

Repurposing Trees Removed from UW Arboretum

Repurposing Trees Removed from UW Arboretum

Pruning and removing trees naturally results in a lot of wood scrap. Since 2012, Heartwood has strived to save every usable piece of wood possible. Our efforts started with saving dead branches from oaks to burn in the wood stove, and we are now salvaging logs on most medium to large trees we remove. This winter we took the next step and bought logs salvaged from oak savanna restoration projects in the UW-Arboretum.